Thursday, May 19, 2022

Reiki for writers block


Are you looking for techniques to battle writer’s block?

Have you ever considered an energy healing treatment as a tool, in your toolbox, for battling writer’s block? 

Reiki may be the new tool you need! 

What is Reiki?

Rei (pronounced RAY), meaning “Universal Life,” and Ki (pronounced KEY), meaning “life force energy”, is a pleasant and relaxing Japanese form of complementary medicine.  Reiki is a natural and ancient healing art that transmits energy to stimulate and heal the body, mind, and spirit.  Reiki is a pure and positive energy used as a healing modality that can help ease stress and tension.  

Reiki is administered by a practitioner “laying on of hands,” which means the practitioner places hands lightly on or over your body so the energy can flow through the practitioner as a channel to and from you. It is this flow of energy that facilitates the unique ability of the body to move energy, unblock emotions and help reduce pain.

A Reiki session is geared to support you in your overall well-being.  Meaning the well-being of your mind, body, and soul.  A Reiki treatment is known to be a very positive experience.

Each of us is a bundle of energy, a vibration, traveling the earth in a vehicle called the body.  Some of us got a Porsche (sleek and sexy) for a body, and others got a Smart Car or a practical Ford Escort. 

Reiki helps move and manipulate the energy to invoke the best positive energy-flow state.

What benefits can Reiki provide an Author?

It is not uncommon for an Author to have a block in creativity, stagnant ideas, or the inability to have their fingers flow freely on the keyboard as ideas flood their mind.  As you likely know, publisher deadlines are not so forgiving.  So how do you increase your energy and provoke your mind to have quicker pops of creativity?  A Reiki treatment may help.  

Reiki is a simple yet powerful technique for removing blockages and restoring energy flow around the body.  Reiki is a gentle therapy and is excellent for:

  • Unblocking emotions,

  • Stimulating your intuition,

  • Alleviating persistent pain or discomfort,

  • Increasing your energy and vibration levels, and

  • Creating balance and harmony in the body, mind, and spirit.

Reiki helps people see a new light. 

To cultivate an internal environment that promotes optimal health, the energy body needs to be flowing and balanced. Reiki stimulates the flow of energy in the body, which may feel like your idea machine and personal energy are spun like a toy spinning top.  

How does Reiki work?

Often a Reiki treatment consists of common techniques and hand positions for channeling a person’s energy.  However, each treatment is typically customized to the patient’s needs.  Most energy healers have the incredible ability to channel the patient’s aura, and energy and then can intuitively know how to help. During the Reiki session, the energy healer will find the areas of pain and the areas of blocked energy and apply energy-healing techniques and intentions to instill positivity and relaxation. 

Reiki helps spark potentially sluggish, immobile Chakras in the body. By re-igniting any or all of the seven primary Chakras, you can begin to feel re-energized.  For example, you can feel rooted again, feel creative, have more clarity, and have a stronger voice.

The answers for our best self, our next step, and how to conquer our fears come from within.  However, our subconscious mind is often blocked for a variety of reasons:

  • Our brains, our overthinking brains, often try to overpower our subconscious mind

  • Inner child trauma imposes beliefs and emotions that can’t get released

  • Ongoing stress prevents an adequate flow of energy and stress blocks our positive vibrational states

A Reiki session will help you become relaxed and calm and help you invoke your inner intuition. A Reiki treatment will help you tap into your subconscious mind and help you find your inner knowing.  Reiki helps you experience those brief moments of time where you are able to explore inner messages and bodily sensations that are not generated from your brain, from analytical thoughts, or from outer influences.  Reiki will help you potentially feel and see your energy. 

Who do I recommend?

Reiki Retreat with Lisa is my favorite place for Reiki healing.  


Check out the Reiki Retreat’s website for more information about reiki and keep checking back and potentially participate in one of Reiki Retreat’s upcoming online Workshops.  Lisa from Reiki Retreat also posts informative content on both her Instagram and Facebook platforms.

Maybe before your next writer’s block builds a wall of failed ideas or a creativity crash, you will consider Reiki as a tool to help your mind, body, and soul.

May peace and love be with you!

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