Wednesday, February 23, 2022

Who loves a signed book?

I have some fun news to share! So, far, I have three book signings scheduled for this year. But, before we get into that fun stuff, do you like my playful logo? It definitely radiates the essence of me....with it's fun design and bright colors. 

I will share them all here in this post, and then post about each one as the signings get closer. 

On June 11th and 12th, I will be in Charleston, South Carolina.


On October 19 through the 23rd I will be in Portsmouth, Virginia.

On November 4th through the 6th, I will be in Orlando, Florida. 

I am so excited about each signing! I would love to meet you there!

Wednesday, February 16, 2022

There is a new book on the way!


I am sharing this here before anywhere 3 of the Fire Lake series is coming very soon!

I will present the countdown to the cover reveal on social media, so keep your eyes open for that. 

Here is the link to my Instagram account where you can follow each and every cover reveal post:

If you have not read the first two books in the Fire Lake series, here you go:



Just click on the name of the book to be taken to Amazon.

Shaw is the name of book three...I can not wait to share him with you!

Interview with Brick from Fire Lake, book 1

Wednesday, February 9, 2022

Comma or not to comma?

What are your feelings about commas? I have to say I am a firm believer in the comma.

I love them so much that I add them everywhere, all the time! Does anyone else deal with this issue?

Picture this...I am sitting at my desk with my pup at my feet, a cup of hot coffee on hand. I am typing away...and add a comma to my text. I type two more sentences and then go back to the added comma. I then obsess over that comma for at least ten minutes. Finally I can't take it anymore, so I remove the comma.

Does this sound like anyone else, or am I just unique? 

Who loves shopping?

Wednesday, February 2, 2022

Interview with Brick from Fire Lake, book 1


Today, I am going to share my interview with Brick from Fire Lake, Book 1. This is my first interview, and his too! I hope you enjoy it. 

Brick on Amazon

Thank you for being here today, Brick.

Thanks for having me.

Q: Did you ever see yourself owning a lake house in the middle of nowhere Texas?

A: Not in my wildest nightmares. Hell, I can’t believe I made it to retirement.

Q: Yes, you were a Navy SEAL. Correct?

A: No ‘were’ about it, ma’am. It’s not some accounting job to get your gold watch when you retire and move to the cottage. Once a SEAL, you’re always a SEAL. It’s a way of life for me.

Q: Now that you’ve lived in Marshall full time for over a year, have you changed your view on country living?

A: Yes. The community has accepted the team and welcomed us into the fold. The house renovation is coming along well, and business is increasing.

Q: You and your team opened L.H. Investigations. Are things going well?

A: Yes. Sad to say, but there are always people in need of help.

Q: How are the renovations?

A: Expensive. If I had to pay for labor, it’d be impossible to complete, but we get it done with the team’s help. We put our minds to something; nothing is impossible.

Q: How’s Roman?

A: Working hard back in Dallas for the week. Running his family’s company takes a lot of his time.

Q: Is it hard to find private time together?

A: Not as hard as you might think. It’s about making sure to find that time to be together and never to forget how lucky you are. Being present in those situations instead of distracted by other things that might be going on in life is very important.

And on that note, I want to thank you again for spending a few moments with me.

You’re welcome.

Who loves shopping?

Great Article about Signings!

This month I want to share the following article, with a shout out to Jessica Hallet for a well-written piece! It's here: https://shopve...