Tuesday, October 11, 2022

Author Interview: Emilia Rose


I met International Best Selling Author, Emilia Rose at the Lust In The Lowcountry conference. Thankfully, she agreed to take part in this interview...let's take a look at her story.

Thank you for joining us. Please tell me a little about yourself.

Thank you so much for having me! My name is Emilia Rose, and I’m a USA Today bestselling author of steamy contemporary and paranormal romance. I love writing about bad boys, billionaires, and ruthless alphas.

Could you let us in on what you’re working on now?

Currently, I’m in the middle of writing and releasing my steamy (18+) high school contemporary romance series called the Bad Boys of Redwood Academy. It’s about the bad boys who rule the school and the good girls who rule their hearts! I’m working on the fourth book in the series called Detention, which is a taboo student-teacher romance.

Which of your stories is your favorite?

My favorite story is titled The Bad Boy and is part of my Bad Boys of Redwood Academy series of standalones. Blaise, the billionaire skateboarding punk, finds Vera’s notebook filled with smut! With it, he blackmails her into being his toy, but ends up falling in love with her.

What’s your inspiration?

I find tons of my inspiration in music. Pretty much any genre can inspire a smutty story.

How and when did you begin writing?

I wrote all through middle and high school because I had a bunch of stories swimming around in my head, but I stopped for a couple years in college. Thankfully, I picked it up again and have been writing ever since!

What is one of your favorite books by another author?

Right now, I don’t have a favorite, but I really love these authors: Mia Kerr and Elaine Waters.

Have you considered writing in other genres?

I only enjoy writing steamy romance. At first, I stuck solely to paranormal romance but my readers encouraged me to start writing contemporary romance with mafia bosses, billionaires, and bad boys!

What is your writing process? Do you need silence or music?

Usually, I need music for inspiration before, during, and after I write. Coffee shops are great too to help me focus.

How long does it usually take you to write a book?

I write about four stories at once, so I can’t say an exact time. But I tend to release eight books a year, so I would say that I write fairly quickly.

Have you ever had the dreaded Writer’s Block?

All the time! Thankfully, I am very driven by deadlines and make sure that I get the story to my readers in time. If I let a story sit for way too long, I rarely come back to it as another idea has begun speaking to me.

Do you have pets?

Yes! I have two sassy cats named Luna and Peanut as well as a duck that we haven’t named yet, but she’s so cute!

What is your favorite part of writing? Do you have favorite plots?

I LOVE my characters! I’m not a plotter or outliner at all, so I experience the story as I write it. My characters just sorta… let loose and take me on an adventure. So uncovering their story and who they are is my favorite part!

Anything new on the horizon?

Currently, I’m adapting my short stories into audio dramas and one of my paranormal romances into a graphic novel!

Could you tell me the heat rating of your books out of 5 flames?

My books are usually high heat, between 4 and 5 flames!

Who is your main source of support for your writing? 

My husband! He has supported me from the very start when I had no confidence in my abilities as a writer. He pushed me to publish and has continued to support all my writing goals!

Click the book cover to go to Emilia's Amazon Page! 

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